"I love You!"

- Jesus

"I will give you rest for your Soul."

- Jesus

"I am for You. I am not against you!"

- Jesus

"I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the LIFE!"

- Jesus

"You are Forgiven."

- Jesus

New book from Pastor Samuel JH McIlwrath - This Grace Life

Available Now Only On Amazon

Welcome to Forestside Church Belfast

At Forestside Church we believe in Jesus. We are a church that loves God and Loves people!
Why? Because God Loved us first! (1 John 4:10)
At Forestside we value the individual no matter what background, experience, race or age. We want to WELCOME YOU HOME to experience the presence and power of an awesome God who passionately loves you and is totally for you!
 Join us In person or Online for our Sunday services!

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We are so glad that you are here!

If this is your first time visiting Forestside Church Belfast online we are so glad that you have found us. We have great news for you today...  
Jesus loves you, and he is completely FOR YOU!
To find out more about who we are/ how to attend our services, click the buttons below:

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