21 Days of Prayer: Day Eleven

New Spiritual Power Through Cleansing

“Lord I open every area of my life to your cleansing power. Purge me and purify my heart, leave no trace of deciet, sin or darkness. I open up my heart to your holy fire, burn up the dross and fill every room of my life with the power of the holy spirit.”

Psalm CH:139 v 23-24 “Search me, o God, and know my heart; try me and know my thoughts: And see if there be aby wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

Psalm CH:51 v2,7
Isaiah CH:1 v16
2nd Corinthians CH:7 v1
Nehemiah CH:13 v9
Ephesians CH:1 v7
1st Corinthians CH:15 v34
1st Peter CH:4 v1-2
Psalm CH: 119 v133

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